​Tax Advise

Non Resident Tax

If you own a house in Spain but are not resident you still have to pay a personal tax. If you sign up with us we will calculate your taxes and organise for the payment even if you are not in Spain, be your fiscal representative in Spain and make sure your taxes are paid on time. Our fees are 50€ per declaration for non residents.

​As a house owner you will also pay a house tax, that’s automatically calculated by the local tax office and usually direct debited from your account every year.

Income Tax

This must be paid by residents, when earnings are more than a certain amount. We can help you with the tax declarations and find the best way for you to be legal but also saving you as much as possible. Our fees are 60€ per declaration for residents.

Modelo 720

Modelo 720, it´s a one off after becoming resident. It´s a declaration of assets worth over 50K outside Spain, just information for the Tax office, you don´t pay taxes on what you have.

For doing the declaration we need for houses: full address, date of purchase, price paid.
Assets: full name, address and id number of company holder, date of purchase, value on 31Dec.
Money in banks: full account number and bank address and name, registration number of the bank, amount on the 31Dec. Our fees are 80€ per declaration for residents.

Double Taxation Claim

After your first tax declaration in Spain we can organise to claim for your country to stop taxing you, this requires a form in both English and Spanish filled in and stamped by Spanish tax office and a fiscal certificate sent to your country, we can organize for it and once your country receives it they will refund all taxes paid since you became Spanish resident. Our fees for the double taxation paperwork (doesn’t include sending it to your country) are 100€ (it´s a one off declaration).